As a landlord, tenants with pets may not be top of your wish list, but the Manchester rental market is one of the most likely to accept fluffy flatmates in the country.
Since the government updated its Model Tenancy Agreement last year, it has become more difficult for landlords to say no to tenants with pets.
It means that landlords and property owners must have a good reason to turn down a pet request, and they can’t simply place a blanket ban on owning a pet in their rental property.
However, while this has been a contentious issue for many, who aren’t keen on having to deal with property damage or disgruntled neighbours being disturbed by noisy animals, others appear to be embracing the change.
Research from End of Tenancy London has put together a list of the top 10 most pet-friendly places in the country in their lettings sectors. While Belfast comes out top, followed by Glasgow, England’s number one pet-friendly place was the Manchester rental scene.
Animals abound in Manchester rental market
In the north-western city, End of Tenancy London found that there were 82 pet-friendly rentals at the time of its research. This came from a total of 835 homes altogether, meaning 9.2% of Manchester rental operators offer animal-friendly homes.
Somewhat surprisingly, London was number 10 on the list. Out if 8,531 rental homes in the capital, the research said 624 openly accepted pets, which is 7.3%.
According to the Pet Food Manufacturers Association (PFMA), Brits own around 51 million pets. As the country’s rental market accommodates around five million households, it is safe to say that avoiding animal-lovers might not be a good tactic for enticing a wide range of tenants.
Legal obligations
Vince Courtney, group lettings director at Andrews Property Group, says: “Renting with pets has often been an emotive topic and it can cause tensions between landlords and tenants. Renters with pets have often struggled to find properties that will accept them.
“Under the government’s new Model Tenancy Agreement, it will be easier for responsible tenants with well-behaved pets to secure rented accommodation.
“The new standard agreement has consent for pets as the default position. And landlords will no longer be able to blanket ban pets without good reason.”
Landlords who object to opening their doors to animals will have to put their reasons in writing within 28 days of the tenant’s written request. On the flip-side, if pets cause any damage, it will be the tenant’s legal duty to pay for repairs or replacements.
Letting the dogs in like Manchester rental
If, like the example being set in the Manchester rental market, you want to accept animals, Ivan Ivanov of End of Tenancy London says that making your premises pet-friendly is easy to do with simple changes.
He says: “Measures like not having rugs (a breeding ground for pests), where possible, can discourage fleas. Also see if you can fit barricades, with the permission of the landlord, to prevent pets from falling downstairs or accessing areas that you want to be off-limits to them.
“Another easy addition to your rental property would be buying a scratch post as cats tend to scratch to sharpen their claws. To avoid damage to your furniture, invest in a scratch post that will ultimately save you money! It is also worth covering sharp edges of furniture to protect your pet.
“More ideas to protect your pet include making sure chemicals are out of reach for your pet, keeping household plants that may be poisonous away from your pets reach, as well as keeping dustbins and toilet lids closed.”
Ross Counsell, a chartered surveyor and director at Good Move, says: “Private landlords still have final say on who they rent their property out to, and can ‘discriminate’ against people with pets if they wish.
“And although tenants can request to have pets in the property, as of yet there is no legal obligation for landlords to grant these requests. Hopefully, the future will allow Brits to find suitable rented accommodation for them and their pets.”