Healthy average salaries combined with plentiful job opportunities and affordable housing has seen Slough named as Britain’s Best Place to Live and Work by recruitment website Glassdoor.
The Berkshire commuter town has come out on top thanks largely to the average residents’ salary of £35,000 and an average house price of £390,000. This is contrast to parts of the country such as London which has seen continuous increases in property prices combined with the stagnation of wages, making the gap between the two indicators greater than ever before.
According to the research, Slough is able to offer a greater standard of living due to its pleasant environment, above average salaries and a lower cost of living. Added to this, Glassdoor noted that Slough has more than 26,000 job vacancies currently available, making social mobility and opportunities high on the list of what it has to offer.
Dr Andrew Chamberlain, Glassdoor’s chief economist, said: “With large multinational businesses establishing themselves in Slough, along with high average salaries and close proximity to major transport hubs such as Heathrow Airport, the Berkshire town has now emerged as a prime spot to live and work.
“Although people in London are generally satisfied, it has proven not only to be an expensive place to live, but also an ultra-competitive city in which to find a job.”
In addition to Heathrow Airport and the M25, Slough is also served by the M4, making it not only highly accessible but at the heart of the U.K’s tech hub with companies such as O2, Cisco, Oracle and Microsoft all having a substantial presence on its doorstep.