Manchester property city view rental yields property investors rental demand

Attention property investors

Rents have increased 19.6% in Manchester and 17.9% in Birmingham in the last 12 months*.

To find out how you can get involved and for our latest live opportunities, register now…


*JLL  Market Research Outlook 2023

  • BuyAssociation - Established in London 2005
  • Get ahead of the market
  • Trusted voice in the property industry
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Manchester property city view rental yields property investors rental demand

Find your next UK property investment opportunity with BuyAssociation

Established in London in 2005, our team of property investment consultants are here to help. Request more information about our latest live opportunities.

  • UK rental demand is outstripping supply.
  • Properties available across Manchester and Birmingham.
  • High quality build-to-rent properties – completed and off-plan.
  • Apartments, holiday homes, short-term lets, social housing, HMOs.

What people say

DISCLAIMER: All financials and ROI’s are estimates and only for illustrative purposes. BuyAssociation are a marketing agent that presents direct developer and owner stock to property investors and buyers. Sales are conducted direct between the buyer and the vendor. Every care is taken to ensure that all marketing materials, prices, floor plans, visuals, brochures are correct at time of issue however these do not constitute property particulars for contractual purposes. Please be sure to check all final materials ahead of signing any purchase contract. Property prices can go down as well as up. Homes can be repossessed if you do not keep up with payments. Properties purchased off-plan or incomplete can be open to further risks and losses to buyers. We urge buyers to seek legal advice where possible and must stress that investing in property does carry risk.